Tuesday, August 31, 2010


1st of Sep 2010

yea, just past....
what so interesting?
there is a lot of unhappy stuff happened during this year National Day

1st to mention is about Racism..
i got friends of other races
and i am not HATE malay or indian
but, i am not agree with RACISM and really hate those people who are racism
everyone are concern about the headmaster news
for sure everyone have a lot of comments on it
but somehow, we dint get the best solution from Government
this kind of case happened and happened again from other three different schools (if i am not mistaken)
if dint take the prompt action, it may happened again and again!!
how sad hmm??

i just read a post that shared by other friends
it is about what he met with during the eve
(click to link to the page)
after read it, please be careful when walking through a big gang of malays

3rd, i listened this last night
why why why?!
why is it same?

Negaraku vs Mamula Moon

(click to link to youtube)

and lastly, Happy 53rd National Day
wish the following National Day can celebrate with peaceful and harmony...

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